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Toronto datacenter

Datacenter 24/7 support provider in Toronto
Nuday’s Remote Hands Level One service is one of our most requested offerings because clients leverage our expertise to manage, maintain and support their IT infrastructure without leaving their home office or traveling to our datacenter.
Located in the northern part of Toronto, Nuday continues to be a state-of-the-art colocation data centre in Toronto that offers unparalleled services to its clients. Its premier multi-homed designed network directly peers with some of the major providers such as Yahoo, LinkedIn, and Amazon. The Nuday network is determined to deliver the best of services and the efforts are evident through its implementation on cost-effective and environment-friendly technology.

Our experienced technicians are on-site 24/7 and ready to support clients at all times.
With an emphasis on physical distancing measures to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, this contactless service helps businesses prioritize safety and maximize productivity by outsourcing a portion of their IT services to Nuday.
Included in the Remote Hands Level One service offering are shopping and receiving capabilities; clients can use the Nuday facility as a safe storage place for new hardware, software and other equipment, and pick it up when they’re ready to do so.
#Torontodatacentre #FullRackColocation #Customcolocation #datacenter #datacentre #colo #Toronto #fullrack #Colocation #colocationservice #Canada #Relocation
Source: Nuday Networks
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Toronto datacenter

Toronto datacenter


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