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4 Basic steps for Getting your site Online

A Preparatory Timeline

How to Create a website-4 Basic steps for Getting your site Online

Plan your Website
Before any of the tech jargon, design chops,or programming skills related to building a website come into play,your site has to take shape as a solid idea.

Design your Website
After you have a clear idea of your website's function and target audience,the design phase involves deciding how the site will be arranged and what it will look like.

Create your website
This is the part where your ideas and mockups get turned into the real,digital product-the step where you actually "make" (or develop) your website. Web development is the process that takes place following web design, and-like design-can be its own dedicated tech career path.

Host your Website
Whether you've hand-coded the pages of your website or put the whole thing together through WordPress, You'll need to get your content on the internet in order for your website to be live,searchable through search engines like Google,and viewable through web browsers

Congratulations!Time for Web Design.
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4 Basic steps for Getting your site Online

4 Basic steps for Getting your site Online
