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5 Questions You Need to Ask to Design

5 Questions You Need to Ask to Design Conversion-Oriented Landing Pages

The conversion process begins with the end in mind. What you’re trying to accomplish on a landing page will deeply affect its eventual design.
For  example, a landing page for downloading a free eBook in exchange for an 
email will likely be short. This is because the ask itself – an email address – isn’t huge when compared to the value on offer (a free eBook).
 Who is your target audience?
 There is no such thing as a “generic” landing page. Every successful landing page targets a very specific audience.For example, if you’re pitching a white paper to CXOs, you’ll need to emphasize new findings, industry insights, and specific high-level 
solutions that appeal to C-level executives.

How easy is it to consume your landing page?

You need to ask yourself if your landing page is inviting and easy to read. If it isn’t, people won’t bother to stick around.

How trustworthy are your landing pages?

With widespread fraud and security lapses online, gaining trust of a customer on your landing page can make or break a lead.

Is your call-to-action clear?

For example, if you’re offering a free eBook download, your CTA  shouldn’t say “SUBMIT”. Instead, it should say what you’re offering  (“FREE DOWNLOAD”).

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5 Questions You Need to Ask to Design

5 Questions You Need to Ask to Design
