Iris Blanco's profile

Painting Projects

Painting Projects
This piece was a project called 'Animal Within Me'. The goal of this project was to paint an animal in you own clothing and describe how the animals characteristics may resemble you. For this project I selected a wolf. I chose this because I am family oriented and because I cherish my close friends very deeply similar to how a wolf has it's pack.

The materials use for this piece was a wooden canvas, and acrylic paint. I used the impasto technique to have a thick texture for the painting.
This next piece is a project where I look at mystical beings from other parts of the world. This is a piece which depicts a being called La Santa Muerte (lady death) from Mexico. This being guides others into the after life. Although she may look frightening she is often seen as a very kind being who care after others when they have passed on. I depict her kindness through depicting her with her mouth open to make it look like she is laughing.

This piece was done pressing plasticine onto a canvas and molding it to make her shape. Then I painted over the plasticine and added contour shading to make it look like she pops out of the canvas.
Painting Projects

Painting Projects
