When a website's identity is verified through the use of an SSL certificate, an encrypted connection can be established between the user and the website itself. An encrypted connection between a web server and a web browser is made possible by the use of SSL, which stands for Secure Sockets Layer.

In order to protect customers' personal information and secure online transactions, businesses and organization must install SSL certificates on their websites.

In MagicworksHost SSL secures internet connections and prohibits thieves from accessing or altering information exchanged between two computers. In the address bar, you'll see a padlock icon if the website you're visiting is protected by SSL.

How can you know if a website is secure?

Look at the address bar in your browser to determine if a website has an SSL certificate.

This indicates that the site has an SSL certificate if the URL begins with HTTPS instead of HTTP.

The padlock symbol on a secure site is closed, and clicking on it reveals further information about the site's security.

When a connection isn't secure, browsers display warning indicators such as a red padlock, a padlock that's not closed, a line through the website's address, or a caution triangle on top of the padlock emblem.

Why do you need a certificate for SSL encryption?

In order to protect user data, verify website ownership, prevent attackers from building a bogus version of the site, and transmit trust to users, SSL certificates for website’s is required.

Personal information such as credit card numbers and confidential information such as health benefits and financial data must be kept private if a website requires users to sign in. A website's authenticity and security can be assured by using SSL certificates. These certificates assist protect online interactions by ensuring that private information stays private.

An SSL certificate is more significant to businesses, as an HTTPS web address requires one. This means that HTTPS websites use SSL to encrypt their visitors' information. Without SSL certificates, HTTP sites are marked as "not secure" by the majority of browsers. A clear message is shown to users that the site may not be trustworthy, encouraging businesses that haven't already done so to move to HTTPS.

As a third-party certification of a website's security, an SSL certificate is issued There is a way to tell whether or not a website's SSL encryption is secure enough by verifying that it has been linked with its owner/maintainer. Businesses that collect personal information from their customers must have SSL certification and validation.

It's important to get the right SSL certificate for your website depending on the level of protection it needs and the security features it provides. Site Seals, the HTTPS:// protocol in the URL, and other visual features may be recognizable to you, but there are also less-visible activities that assist protect your website and its users..
As long as your site is secure, your customers will see it as a sign of trust in your brand, and that will lead to a higher conversion rate.

Types of SSL certificates 
1.Domain validated certificates
2.Domain validated certificates with SNI feature
3.Business validated certificates
4.Wild-Card certificates
5.Extended validated certificate

Get your SSL certificate in 3 easy steps:
Get best SSL certificate price, Pay for a secure socket layer certificate. Activate it. Follow the on-screen directions for setup. With Magic Works Host Account Panel, you can manage your certificate.
Purchase it
Activate It
Install It

SSL certificates