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1000 Years Currency: Speculative Design Project

In this world, race does not exist, class does not exist, and countries are all run in the same fashion. They are ruled by an illusive government entity that is never seen by the public. Climate change and urban expansion have destroyed the environment and artificial green spaces are installed to mimic the look of Earth's natural greenery.

Over the years, AI has progressed so extremely that it has now replaced the need for human labor entirely, leaving the world to depend solely on these sophisticated technological advancements. This digital evolution was expected to make life easier and more enjoyable for humans, but instead it left them feeling useless and without any drive to live. Despite their newfound obsolescence, humans' lifespans are longer than ever, leaving them yearning for purpose throughout their entire extended existences. 
Pictured above: AI generated images of normal society.
In order to give people a goal and to keep them feeling productive, the government developed a digital currency system called SPR CHNG, which allows users to earn coins for completing tasks which can then be traded for items and tickets to a simulation known as The VALLEE. The VALLEE is an immersive, fully functional, and extremely romanticized replica of neighborhoods of the past.

Normal society is kept purposefully very bland in order to increase and sustain the public's motivation to earn coins and buy tickets, which has become the only source of enrichment. Because of how entwined technology is with humanity, it's become standard to upload the SPR CHNG interface into one's mind from birth. This program cannot be silenced, deleted, or ignored, meaning there is virtually no choice to opt out. The system's tasks are designed to be extremely addictive, like gambling, assuring that every citizen will willingly participate.
Citizens must adhere to a strict curfew and be in their own homes at a certain time each night. This helps to eliminate crime and disobedience. Curfew is enforced through fines, which are to be paid in coins. Resistance is punishable by detainment. All food is sourced in dining halls. There are 21 total meal options. 3 meals per day, 7 sets of meals per week. These are organized on a fixed schedule which does not change. All stores are owned and sourced by the government. The contents of every shop is essentially the same. All goods are paid for in coins.
Pictured above: SPR CHNG coins.
SPR CHNG is a government-owned company that runs and oversees the digital currency reward-system that permeates this society. The individual SPR CHNG coins all have equal values and are worth 1 unit. These coins are earned by completing tasks and are exchanged for goods, as well as SPR CHNG-provided tickets to The VALLEE. 
Pictured above: (Left) SPR CHNG logos. (Right) Ticket to The VALLEE.
The branding for SPR CHNG is light, bright, and clean, starkly contrasting the dark, dull world in which it exists. Its colors mimic the vibrance of The VALLEE,  subliminally keeping this elusive prize in the back of the minds of participants at all times as they complete their tasks. Some notable visual motifs associated with this company’s aesthetic are geometric shapes and lettering, rounded corners, grid-like patterns, gradients, and pastel colors.
Pictured above: (Left) SPR CHNG digital home page. (Right) Digital poster. 
The SPR CHNG interface itself is entirely digital. It's visible through the eyes of the user and can be operated with one's mind. One of the main home screen features is a map that locates tasks and gives directions to the exact area of said task. You can also view your wallet where tokens are stored in the "Coins" tab, see uncompleted tasks and payments in the "To Do" tab, exchange coins for goods and tickets in the "Trade" tab, and receive directions and customer service in the "Help" tab. This interface is intended to be simple and straightforward so that all users can participate with as few issues as possible.
Nostalgia has become very intense and very prevalent within this society. In this age of technology, people long for passion and emotion, which have become feelings associated exclusively with the past. The VALLEE is a safe, beautiful, and clean neighborhood filled with cheerful, colorful homes and well-kept yards which mimic those of the 20th and 21st century. It's location, if it exists physically at all, is not known by the public. Once you are inside, you are not allowed contact with normal society until your stay is up. It's unknown how much ground The VALLEE covers, but there is always enough space for everyone to fit.
Pictured above: AI generated images of The VALLEE.
In this idyllic getaway, there are no curfews, no dining halls, and a variety of stores to shop from. Unlike the real world, television, radio, and internet access are all unrestricted. Self expression becomes an option for the first time in decades. This is also the only known area where SPR CHNG notifications are temporarily silenced.
Tickets to The VALLEE can be purchased for stays lasting from minimum of 2 weeks to a maximum 2 months. Only 1 ticket can be purchased at a time and although they are realistically attainable, they are expensive. After their time in The VALLEE, most people tend to fall into severe depression upon returning to normal society. This often manifests in the of loss of appetite, insomnia, suicidal ideation, and a hysteric desire for more coins with the intention of returning to the simulation as quickly as possible. This tends to become a vicious cycle as people quickly become more and more addicted to the newfound freedom of The VALLEE. The government is aware of this desperation and uses it to profit off of its subordinates. 
Retrofuturism: Blending old-fashioned ”retro styles" with futuristic technology, tension between past and future, alienating and empowering effects of technology.

Liminal Spaces: Middle stage of transition, usually depicts empty public places, “threshold of monumental change,” familiar/ordinary spaces tinged with tragedy, nostalgic and unsettling.

Hauntology: How “dead” futures/utopias haunt the present, “ghostly” forms of representation, loss/yearning/nostalgia, comforting yet eerie.

The Uncanny Valley: Non-human things with human-like traits can trigger uneasiness, idea of something being “almost human.”
Growth/Discipline future
Very technologically advanced/heavy presence of AI
Humans become obsolete
Long lifespans
Mysterious/quiet but very government entity

High population
Little/no green spaces left

Digital currency
Equal value
Can be traded for goods
Digital interface to use currency
Retrofuturism-inspired aesthetic 

Pictured above: "Sphinx," Soviet home automation system. 1987. 
1000 Years Currency: Speculative Design Project


1000 Years Currency: Speculative Design Project


Creative Fields