凌云 创意's profileBIU~ 沈汝标's profile




Most consumers have the impression of herbal tea as shops run by grandparents, who diligently brew tea every day to bring the most authentic herbal tea to their neighbors.
"Lao Guang" refers to Guangdong locals who speak Cantonese and are native to Guangdong. As a group of people who have been exposed to "herbal tea" since childhood, it is not an exaggeration to say that they have the most research on "herbal tea". The packaging of this product that we have created looks like a herbal tea shop, and is full of a strong "Lao Guang" flavor.
The brand font adopts traditional signature font, and the front of the packaging depicts an image of a veteran character wearing a vest, shorts, and flip flops. There is a scene of brewing herbal tea in front of the store, and through the packaging structure, the equipment and tools being cooked inside the store can also be seen. On the left side of the outer box, it shows the impression of Guangdong locals drinking herbal tea for the first time when they were young. It was their mother who took them to drink herbal tea, and they patiently explained various things that they didn't understand. The top surface of the outer box is the rooftop of the herbal tea shop, which represents the graphic representation of the ingredients used for the 24 flavors of this product. It is hung on the rooftop to highlight the traditional production process of this product. Inside the box is a small bag of concentrated herbal tea packaging. We have designed the bag in the shape of a stainless steel pot, which is more in line with the taste of traditional herbal tea shops. It is simple and simple, making people full of memories.

2024 ADC 103rd Annual Awards(Package design)
2024 ADC 103rd Annual Awards(Illustration)

