Together with Kevin Mullet we created the information architecture for the new client experience. Since Opsware had years of legacy and tens of thousands of users whom rely on the software for their daily workflow it was difficult task to create a hierarchy that made sense to many different clients that improved their workflow without introducing so much change as to slow anyone down. 
Below was a spec for the agent deployment UI which allowed system administrators to search for servers by text or IP range. The results would show them server details, their access methods, and allow them to deploy new Opsware agents to the server. 
One of Opsware's key features was group management which greatly reduced repetitive work for system administrators. This screen shows how important key value pairs are shown in an editable UI so the admin can update an entire group at one time. 
As a job was running an admin could drill into the details to see what actions the job was performing. This UI showed the admin important details about the job, it's current status, an issues the job has run into, and the output of the job as well.
The snapshot browser allowed administrators to quickly see the details of any server the Opsware system managed (assuming they had permission). The browser would dynamically show the right info for the right type of server, e.g. windows vs. redhat linux. 
Servers could be managed individually or as groups. This UI is showing the parent/child relationship of groups of servers. Even more complex but not covered in this mock up was the notion of inheritance of changes as they're propagated to a group. 
This was one of the spec pages showing the menu structure of the application. The green numbers show which screens should show the menu item as disabled because they weren't applicable. 


Opsware Desktop Application Design Specification


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