Todd Fisk's profile

chartMe iOS App & web site

chartMe was a personal data tracking iPhone app built between 2011 and 2013 (so this design overview is not the newest thing, though I remain proud of the work).
Two important principles of chartMe were: (1) the declaration that "YOU own your data!" and we promised our users that they could always export their data from the app, for any reason, at any time; and (2) "Your data is private and not for sale!" and we promised to never sell their data without them first giving consent, and having the ability to always be in control of how their data is used --or not used.mporant 
,The iPad designs were in development but not ultimately built. Two of these designs demonstrate the "Summary" aspect of the app design which was an effort to capture essential data from your data in short summaries that were quick reference blocks of text, letting the user see a maximum amount of their information in one screen.  
Summary mode. 
Running chart mode.
Another design variation for Summary view mode.
initiating the
Other web assets were also developed, including a web site, blog page, splash pages for early sign-ups (we had a few hundred eager for beta testing in the first two months), and a Facebook page and Twitter account (with over 1,000 Followers in the first 2 months of starting our Twitter campaign).
Splash page. This page converted sign-ups at 4.5%. Others converted between 1.5 and 12%.
Blog page.
Twitter page.
chartMe iOS App & web site

chartMe iOS App & web site

This App was developed as a tool for people to track any personal data they wanted to all in one place, from workouts to finances and medical inf Read More
