Project - Lucy
Remake of the original movie poster
Open CG | Unidade 1 | Módulo 2 -Photoshop
Gracom Escola de Efeitos Visuais - Maceió
Pôster - Upside Down apresentado como atividade de encerramento de módulo.

Open CG | Unity 1 | Module 2 - Photoshop
Gracom School of Visual Effects - Maceio, Brazil.
Poster - Upside Down submited as module completion activity.

*Lucy is a sci-fi film, directed by Luc Besson
and distributed by EuropaCorp. The art in question
 is an academic work and not for profit. All images used
 were taken from the internet.

Remake - Lucy

Remake - Lucy

Remake of the original movie poster. Submited as module completion activity.
