I got the eye of the Lion
The lion became my Facebook cover image and the face was my profile image. I drew the image over a real photo of a lion and my photo reacting to the licking. As the real photo got blurry, I started copying it from a separate image. When I did this, I was just learning to use Photoshop so it took me a month and  a half, as I need to work as well. But it was all worth it.  
Starry starry night
The style I used here is what I call "watercolor GALAXY". It's like the cosmos is being reflected on her face. The face was base from a photo of local girl in the Philippines. But the style made it an anime. The eyes were a tad bigger, the nose and lips were smaller. The stars connected by dots are constellations. This was my first project that uses the watercolor GALAXY style.
Free style sketching 
Watercolor Painting


Watercolor Painting

I love watercolor! when i was a lad, I always used watercolor on my art, and I prefer to use the cheap ones instead of the expensive oil paints. Read More
