Anna Muratova's profile

Anna Muratova

UI UX Designer

Russian Federation

Hire Anna

App Design (iOS, Android)
App Design (iOS, Android)
App Design (iOS, Android)

From US$4,000

App design is especially important since it is the most common device for users. Anna has over 5 years experience creating app design (iOS and Android) and branding from scratch, as well as making redesign and improving visual aesthetic. She has experience creating user-oriented interfaces that suit their needs, based on qualitative and quantitative user research methods. Anna worked with small international startups and big companies like Apple, Sony, Samsung, Tesla. Her app design works were recognised with Bronze Design Awards in international competitions. What could be included in service: - Native app design (iOS or Android) - Hybrid app design (for both iOS and Android) - Web app design - Competitors research and analysis - Information architecture - Qualitative and quantitative user research methods - User personas - User and job stories - User flows, scenarios - Customer journey map - Draft and final wireframes - Clickable, interactive prototype - UI kit with components - Branding with colours, fonts, stock photos and illustrations - Micro-interactions, scroll animations - Custom illustrations - Moodboard Implementation: Figma, Adobe XD

Within 1 month

3 concepts, 5 revisions

Website Design / Redesign
Website Design / Redesign
Website Design / Redesign

From US$4,000

Website design is an important channel to showcase your brand to customers. Anna has over 5 years experience creating web design and branding from scratch, as well as making redesign and improving visual aesthetic. She has experience creating user-oriented interfaces that suit their needs, based on qualitative and quantitative user research methods. Anna worked with small international startups and big companies like Apple, Sony, Samsung, Tesla. Her web design works were recognised with Bronze Design Awards in international competitions. What could be included in service: - Responsive design (desktop and mobile versions) - Competitors research and analysis - Information architecture - Qualitative and quantitative user research methods - User personas - User and job stories - User flows, scenarios - Customer journey map - Draft and final wireframes - Clickable, interactive prototype - UI kit with components - Branding with colours, fonts, stock photos and illustrations - Micro-interactions, scroll animations - Custom illustrations - Moodboard Implementation: Figma, Adobe XD, Webflow (no-code platform)

Within 1 month

3 concepts, 5 revisions

Landing Page Design
Landing Page Design
Landing Page Design

From US$500

Landing page is the most important channel to showcase your brand to customers. Anna has over 5 years experience creating landing pages and branding from scratch, as well as improving functionality, making it is easier and more convenient for users. She enjoys adding animations and micro interactions to make the design stand out. Anna created landing pages to represent products from companies like Apple, Sony, Samsung, Tesla. Her works were recognised with Bronze Design Awards in international competitions. What could be included in service: - Responsive design (desktop and mobile versions) - UI kit with components - Micro-interactions, scroll animations - Competitors research - Branding with colours, fonts, stock photos and illustrations - Custom illustrations - Moodboard Implementation: Figma, Adobe XD, Webflow (no-code platform)

Less than a week

2 concepts, 2 revisions

Learn Adobe XD or Figma
Learn Adobe XD or Figma
Learn Adobe XD or Figma

From US$50

Learn Adobe XD or Figma in a short amount of time by practicing with me online on real examples. The coaching could be tailored based on your needs and goals. Included: - Adobe XD or Figma interface and main tools - Creating basic wireframes - Using components, styles and other tools for fast design process - Simple clickable prototype - Advanced animations and interactions - Useful plugins - Preparing document for developers and sharing with others

Within 1-2 weeks